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Welcome to 1HR Homestay

Thank you for your interest in becoming a 1HR Homestay Host!

Homestays have always been a mean for others to really integrate themselves into a new culture. Staying at home with a unique family, eating their foods, learning about different customs or rituals to our own, and getting an unforgettable experience of culture exchange.


1HR Homestay is giving this opportunity for those who may not have the ability or the budget to travel to a different country. We offer this cultural exchange online in a live session with people who come from all over the world. Using a live video chatting service, individuals from Czech Republic, The United States of America, Jamaica and several others, walk through their homes, neighborhoods, local stores… giving a fresh tour of what their everyday lives might look like; as if you were to do a homestay at their home. 1HR Homestay is the next best thing to having a fully integrated cultural experience. 

What is 1HR Homestay

Becoming a 1HR Homestay Host

Our current target customers are primarily Japanese; who are also learning English or trying to find their next travel destination. As a 1HR Homestay Host, you would be expected to give a tour of the your surroundings. The idea is to give your guests a tour of your home, and show them a little bit of how you live. Possibly share cultural facts, a little history of your country or area, some food that might be common in your country. With a stable Internet service and enough battery life, you may even go out of your home and show around your city, town or village. Get guests to join in a special local festival. Go to a supermarket. Anything you think may spark wonder or interest about your culture, we encourage you to share it with your guests. 


If you think you are well suited to be a 1HR Homestay host, please follow the steps below!

Step 1

 The 1st email

After showing interest by clicking the “apply” button below, you will be directed to a survey link, asking for basic information (Name and Country you are currently living in) and a time when you are able to meet “Live” for a Trial session. 


Step 2

Trial Session

This step, you will meet with an administrator to go through a mini-tour of your home (15min). This Trial is necessary for us to get to know you and see if your schedule fits the Japanese time-zone.


Step 3

 Creating your profile

In this last step, if you passed your trail session, you will receive a second email with more in depth information. You will receive a URL link to create your profile page, be informed of our policies and our payment system. 


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